great city. lovely beach, bars, people are nice, food is amazing.there is no more "Beehive" co working space though.
great city. lovely beach, bars, people are nice, food is amazing. there is no more "Beehive" co working space though.
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Like many other cities Varna have a lot of advantages to offer its residents and visitors, but it also has its fair share of drawbacks. We have made this pros and cons table to help you better vizualize them.
No Data for now.
No Data for now.
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Low Crime rate
Very High Security Index
Stay informed about the air quality and pollution levels in Varna. Our data source provides up-to-date information on various pollutants and their effects on health and the environment. By monitoring the air quality in Varna, you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of pollution.
Discover cities that are similar to Varna in terms of attractions and amenities. Our hand-picked list includes locations with similar cultural settings, recreational activities, and high-quality lodgings. These cities are worth visiting if you're looking for a place with a similar atmosphere or just a change of scenery. Plan your next urban journey by visiting these similar cities.
There are several cities and places close to Varna worth your visit. In addition to sightseeing in Varna, spare some time to discover the surroundings of the city.
You can discover Istanbul, Brasov, Plovdiv, Sofia, and Bansko, who are a few kilometres away either by car or public transport.
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great city. lovely beach, bars, people are nice, food is amazing.there is no more "Beehive" co working space though.
I spent two months in Varna (mid-September to mid-November) and loved it! Mild weather, very affordable, great expats community and a lot of things going on. Next time, I would like to visit it in the spring!
From July to September one of the best Citys in Europe for me.
I spent 11 days here. I like it a lot. Beaches, affordable, interesting architecture. Cool place and I could spend a summer here easily if I had a friend. Though, if you're single it wouldn't be hard to make one, as people here are amazing looking. I like the park a lot, and it has some interesting museums. Not a big hipster scene if that's your thing. More tourists, mostly from Bulgaria, Russia and Turkey. Nightlife is... okay. Mostly mafia and gypsy bars. But I do love this one bar called Cubo, on the beach. Great place. Very reasonable prices. Cheap actually. Nice place that needs more hype. I don't like that there's no ride hailing apps, and Google maps doesn't tell bus schedules. So transportation sucks. But most stuff is walking distance or a short bus ride, once you figure it out.
The data on Varna here is hilarious. Nomad costs 1.800 $? When the local live on 400$? The rent cost here 300 $ for a good apartment in the center. Then add 10 $ a day for food. You'll end up at 600-700 $. Add additional expenses for partying.The only downside is the cold weather in january and february. Other than that it's a pretty great place. Better than Sofia, any day.
Varna is a nice city, specially during spring and summer, great beaches and nightlife on high season