I really like Tirana, one of my favorite places in the Balkans. The people are really friendly towards Americans as well. The mountains surrounding the city are also lovely.
I really like Tirana, one of my favorite places in the Balkans. The people are really friendly towards Americans as well. The mountains surrounding the city are also lovely.
Stay updated on the weather in Tirana with our reliable data source. Plan ahead for changing conditions and make the most of your time in the city. Check the forecast and stay prepared for any weather events.
Discover the cost of living in Tirana with our data source. Compare expenses for housing, food, transportation, and more to make informed decisions about your budget. Stay informed and make the most of your money in Tirana.
Like many other cities Tirana have a lot of advantages to offer its residents and visitors, but it also has its fair share of drawbacks. We have made this pros and cons table to help you better vizualize them.
No Data for now.
No Data for now.
Stay informed on security and crime in Tirana with updated information on crime rates, types of crimes and measures being taken. Ensure personal safety by staying informed and taking steps to protect yourself and loved ones. Help keep Tirana safe.
Low Crime rate
High Security Index
Stay informed about the air quality and pollution levels in Tirana. Our data source provides up-to-date information on various pollutants and their effects on health and the environment. By monitoring the air quality in Tirana, you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of pollution.
Discover cities that are similar to Tirana in terms of attractions and amenities. Our hand-picked list includes locations with similar cultural settings, recreational activities, and high-quality lodgings. These cities are worth visiting if you're looking for a place with a similar atmosphere or just a change of scenery. Plan your next urban journey by visiting these similar cities.
There are several cities and places close to Tirana worth your visit. In addition to sightseeing in Tirana, spare some time to discover the surroundings of the city.
You can discover Nis, Mostar, Skopje, Dubrovnik, and Podgorica, who are a few kilometres away either by car or public transport.
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I really like Tirana, one of my favorite places in the Balkans. The people are really friendly towards Americans as well. The mountains surrounding the city are also lovely.
Tirana is modern, walkable and seems to have good nightlife while feeling safe (lot of kids, families and women walking around at night). But it is also very crowded of people and cars, there is a lot of garbage and inpleasant smells. I would defenitly prefer the coastal area for a longer stay
Tirana was a pleasant surprise for me! It wasn’t on my initial list for places I’d planned to go this year, but after researching countries in Europe that allows U.S. citizens to enter with COVID, it piqued my interest. I stayed in the Blloku area and would definitely recommend it. It’s littered with bars and cafes you can work from (Mon Cheri and Mulliri Vjeter became fast favorites because of consistency!). I was also genuinely grateful to get the chance to learn about the very recent communist history in more detail while I was there. There’s not a ton to do culturally, but in general, Tirana is a very comfortable, vibrant, and livable (albeit small) city if you’re looking to settle in somewhere for a month or two.
Big no from me. After being around all the balkans, this place felt off.Locals are friendly IF they know you're a tourist, otherwise, they're loud and rude to each other.The way they converse, drive, or behave is a intimidating to say the least.Electricity outages as seen in India or Nepal (sometimes daily occurrence!) Everything seems to be of low quality,Locals seem disinterested in learning from other cultures.Locals prefer to sit in cafes all day, they DRIVE to that cafe even though its a 2 minute walk.They drive instead of walking, so the whole street will see their BMW.Perhaps this is the influence left by Enver Hoxha. Avoid this place if you can, Macedonia , Bulgaria, Serbia or Montenegro next door are just as affordable.
Beautiful, joyful and surprisingly modern city. People are extremely friendly. There are nice cafes and restaurants throughout the city, serving a unique combination of Turkish, Greek and Italian cuisine. Spectacular modern architecture and urban planning. Amazing value for money.
Forget about Tirana, go to the coast! Sarandë and Ksamil are the best places in Albania, if you’re in doubt just google it :)
I really like this city. Great place for food, a lot of cafe's and relatively easy to reach. Growing startup ecosystem, a few nice coworking spaces, you can walk everywhere and housing is still very affordable compared to western europe
Very costly. The salaries are ridiculous. The air is terrible. People are really friendly. Corruption is a high level. Political situation is unrest all the time.
Brilliant, vibrant city in a beautiful country.I've lived in the balkans for a few years, and I'm not sure I've ever met friendlier people.