One week is about right for Skopje if you're working full time. The people are pretty friendly and there are a few interesting things to do and see. A month or more is too much of a commitment in my opinion though.
One week is about right for Skopje if you're working full time. The people are pretty friendly and there are a few interesting things to do and see. A month or more is too much of a commitment in my opinion though.
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Like many other cities Skopje have a lot of advantages to offer its residents and visitors, but it also has its fair share of drawbacks. We have made this pros and cons table to help you better vizualize them.
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High Security Index
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Discover cities that are similar to Skopje in terms of attractions and amenities. Our hand-picked list includes locations with similar cultural settings, recreational activities, and high-quality lodgings. These cities are worth visiting if you're looking for a place with a similar atmosphere or just a change of scenery. Plan your next urban journey by visiting these similar cities.
There are several cities and places close to Skopje worth your visit. In addition to sightseeing in Skopje, spare some time to discover the surroundings of the city.
You can discover Plovdiv, Sofia, Bansko, Nis, and Tirana, who are a few kilometres away either by car or public transport.
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One week is about right for Skopje if you're working full time. The people are pretty friendly and there are a few interesting things to do and see. A month or more is too much of a commitment in my opinion though.
I found Skopje, and Macedonia in general, a super interesting place to be. The old part of the city has got it's eastern charm about it, the people are friendly and it feels really safe. Mobile data in the country is really affordable and excellent coverage. Broadband wasn't amazing where we stayed. The local cuisine is great, as long as you're not vegan/veggie as it's very meat and cheese heavy. There's not a huge variety either, we only had local food, Italien or Mexican. It's surrounded by mountains and there are loads of great walks to do on the nearby Vodno mountain. Skopje is also really close to the Mavrovo national park, which is a ski resort and lake, plus the Tetovo national park, which I would highly recommend (start hiking from Popova Shapka). Going on from Skopje, Bitola is a really lively town with great vibes. We will go to Ohrid after which is the most famous tourist destination. I would recommend staying a month in Skopje as a maximum.
Skopje is certainly an interesting place to see, but where you shouldn't spend too much time. You can start here and take a trip around the country, as there are several places worth seeing. The city is safe, the air quality is very low and it does not get too cold in winter (though it does get cold). There isn't much to do, plus I visited the city during the time of the pandemic, which made it worse for socializing. Cheap prices and great Internet connection, even on the road between cities.
Been there recently. Little city with some Istanbulish appearences in the Old Town + it's really cheapppp!!! The old town + center is really cute. Definitely worth seeing it!