Beautiful, boring, and expensive. Also, if you have a northern European pedigree, expect lots of stares. Met some cool folks in my 3 weeks here, but I probably wouldn't return.
Beautiful, boring, and expensive. Also, if you have a northern European pedigree, expect lots of stares. Met some cool folks in my 3 weeks here, but I probably wouldn't return.
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Like many other cities Santiago have a lot of advantages to offer its residents and visitors, but it also has its fair share of drawbacks. We have made this pros and cons table to help you better vizualize them.
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Discover cities that are similar to Santiago in terms of attractions and amenities. Our hand-picked list includes locations with similar cultural settings, recreational activities, and high-quality lodgings. These cities are worth visiting if you're looking for a place with a similar atmosphere or just a change of scenery. Plan your next urban journey by visiting these similar cities.
There are several cities and places close to Santiago worth your visit. In addition to sightseeing in Santiago, spare some time to discover the surroundings of the city.
You can discover Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Mendoza, La Plata, and Rosario, who are a few kilometres away either by car or public transport.
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Beautiful, boring, and expensive. Also, if you have a northern European pedigree, expect lots of stares. Met some cool folks in my 3 weeks here, but I probably wouldn't return.
Expensive and organized by Latin American standars. It's possible to ski nearby so that's very fun. Great startup scene. Gastronomy is also great. Nightlife is very boring.
People are obsessed with American living way. Everything is in Malls, from store to restaurants. You will need a car or taxi to get there. Renting apartments will be extremely complicated as you will need to show your income, paid taxes, etc. You can always use Airbnb, but you will pay 3-4 times more then what is worth. Everything is overpriced for what you will get. Food in restaurants is 5/10, if you will buy in stores, expect most of it imported from Europe, USA and other countries. Fun factor is almost zero to nothing, the most boring place. The vibe is depressive, my feeling after 3 weeks here, can be best expressed by Edvard Munch picture The Scream.
Unless you're outdoorsy Santiago will be a quite boring place, as the other reviewers say. Expensive and ugly too.
It's funny that these 3 reviews are about Santiago being boring. I was born there but moved to the US at 2 years old, when I returned to Santiago as an adult, I too found it to be extremely boring. I thought for a long time that there was something wrong with me for feeling that way about the city i was born it, but these reviews confirm it is boring. Besides that I am going next week to see how fast the internet is and if i can work from there
I lived in Santiago for a year and I can confidently say that it is THE most boring place I´ve ever been to. It´s super expensive, the air quality is very bad, terrible food (I can´t stress that enough) and very boring and welcoming people. I don't see any reason why anybody would go there as an expat or digital nomad, tbh.
I’ve been living in Santiago since 2019… and I complete agree with the review calling Santiago boring and expensive. Unless you already have friends here, save yourself money and time and look for other cities in Latam.
Maybe I’m a bit unfair here, but Santiago is so... boring. People don’t look so happy and aren’t welcoming, city has nothing special, currency with so many zeros is hard to get used... didn’t have a bad time, but it wasn’t great either. Just dull. Maybe I’m wrong and in a long term it worth it, but it lacks authenticity and don’t even compare to other cities in Latin America such as Mexico City or even Buenos Aires, both cheaper and funnier.