A pleasant touristy island which is great for hiking and just traveling around on a car.Funchal isn't a modern city but it's walkable and liveable: there are coworking spaces, decent internet and occasionally you can even find filter coffee.
A pleasant touristy island which is great for hiking and just traveling around on a car. Funchal isn't a modern city but it's walkable and liveable: there are coworking spaces, decent internet and occasionally you can even find filter coffee.
Stay updated on the weather in Madeira with our reliable data source. Plan ahead for changing conditions and make the most of your time in the city. Check the forecast and stay prepared for any weather events.
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Like many other cities Madeira have a lot of advantages to offer its residents and visitors, but it also has its fair share of drawbacks. We have made this pros and cons table to help you better vizualize them.
No Data for now.
No Data for now.
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Very Low Crime rate
Very High Security Index
Stay informed about the air quality and pollution levels in Madeira. Our data source provides up-to-date information on various pollutants and their effects on health and the environment. By monitoring the air quality in Madeira, you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of pollution.
Discover cities that are similar to Madeira in terms of attractions and amenities. Our hand-picked list includes locations with similar cultural settings, recreational activities, and high-quality lodgings. These cities are worth visiting if you're looking for a place with a similar atmosphere or just a change of scenery. Plan your next urban journey by visiting these similar cities.
There are several cities and places close to Madeira worth your visit. In addition to sightseeing in Madeira, spare some time to discover the surroundings of the city.
You can discover Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Tenerife, Taghazout, and Marrakesh, who are a few kilometres away either by car or public transport.
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A pleasant touristy island which is great for hiking and just traveling around on a car.Funchal isn't a modern city but it's walkable and liveable: there are coworking spaces, decent internet and occasionally you can even find filter coffee.
If you are into fitness, don't forget to join Madeira Fitness Friends group! Best training program and friendly community ever on this island!
Beautiful island with extremely nice hikes and good weather. Spent 3 months there just after they set up the Digital Nomad enclave in Ponta do Sol (beginning of 2021), a neat little "cove village" in the south with its own microclimate that makes it always sunny and good weather. When I was there the amount of digital nomads working on any given day in the freely accessible coworking space exploded from 30 to about 100, which shows the success of the government run program to attract digital nomads there. The community they built there was a succes, with multiple events happening everyday throughout the week, all within walking distance from ponta do sol, although a car is needed to explore other parts of the island.In general everything on Madeira is well organised and available, although the island is small and may not offer many of the amenities and luxuries that a big city does.
Funchal is a city in Madeira, Portugal. The capital of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the city is located on the northwest coast of the island, about 10 km (6.2 mi) northwest of the island capital of Funchal. It has a population of 101,208, making it the 2nd largest city in the country and the main Portuguese port on the Atlantic Ocean.